Ice cores :A New Perspective on the Past - This activity exposes students to the field of paleoclimatology, as well as to ice core data in near-raw format. Students will graph and analyze chemical lead concentrations from ice core data from Mt. Logan and draw conclusions about the effects of human influences on the environment. The data for the activity is attached here.Radioactivity and Old Ice - This activity uses the principles of radioactive dating to introduce students to dating methods used to date ice cores. Assumes knowledge of atoms, isotopes, and carbon dating.
Weather and Climate - - This activity uses the differences between weather and climate, and the importance of large data sets in making conclusions, to introduce the climate research we are conducting in Antarctica.
**This resource was originally designed as part of a senior capstone project being carried out by Eileen Carr, an Ecology and Environmental Science student at the University of Maine. Eileen applied her research on the challenges of communicating climate change, particularly in secondary school settings, to the creation of an open learning resource that puts real-world data sets and models of climate science processes into the hands of teachers, students, and the greater general public.